Marketplace Profile Setup

Supported Wallets

Below are the wallets supported by ClubRare:

  • Metamask

  • Kaikas

Connecting a Wallet

If using mobile, we strongly suggest that you use a dapp browser inside your wallet app.

For optimal experience, always open ClubRare in a full-featured browser like Safari, Brave, or Chrome. Please don’t open ClubRare in a 3rd Party app like Discord, Twitter, or Telegram for security and compatibility purposes.

Always connect to the Ethereum Network or Klaytn.

In the right top corner, you can see the connect button.

Click the button, and it will reveal a screen to select Metamask or Kaikas.

The “connect” button in the right top corner will turn into a default profile picture when connected.

Editing Your Profile

Once you connect your wallet, click your avatar and select edit profile.

Set the following settings:

  • Profile Picture: You can only set an NFT of your own as your avatar.

  • Display Name - You can put a user name up to 30 characters.

  • Bio - Tell us who you are!

  • Custom URL - Add your social media link or your custom page.

Last updated